We started off the evening by attending a party at our friends, The Neilsons. It was great to hang out with "The Brothers" (their 4 boys) and the Allred family.
Then we went to Mom and Dad's for the rest of the night to hang with the fam!
Here is Luke having his first taste of egg nog (we missed that at Christmas somehow) and he LOVED it. He kept saying, "Can I have some more special juice, Papa?"
Here is Luke having his first taste of egg nog (we missed that at Christmas somehow) and he LOVED it. He kept saying, "Can I have some more special juice, Papa?"
(Yeah, her eyes don't lie: she is just a TINY bit Asian! Ha! Ha!)
"Sisters, sisters - there were never such devoted sisters!"
Getting crazy loco after our Martinelli's!
(Here is a classic example of Lindsey's Asian eyes. You see my point.)
Midnight fireworks
You KNOW we watched our Buckeyes win the Rose Bowl New Year's Day!
Yeah, my parents were a bit goofy that night. (Who am I kidding? Always.)