Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I want to be a missionary. . .NOW!

For months now, Luke has had a great interest in missionaries. Perhaps it's because they seem to really love dropping in on us weekly - unannounced! We don't mind. They always have a great message to share from the scriptures and it brings the Spirit into our home. When we are in Georgia, Luke loves to go out onto our porch, close the door, ring the doorbell and shout, "Missionaries here!!!" When I open the door and welcome him in, he heads over to the bookshelf and pulls a small little book off the shelf, sits on the couch and says, "Mommy! Listen! I read the scriptures at you!" We love this role playing!
However, today his missionary interests took on a whole new level. We were at the pool with friends, when I heard him say to a little boy his age, "I going to baptize you now!" I turned to see him trying to push the poor kid's head under the water. YIKES! Naturally, I stopped the attempted immersion. I realized that he is really taking the scriptures to heart. He wants to help ALL people be baptized!


  1. What a funny story. Thanks for posting it. Great title and such a funny ending. I miss you all!

  2. Does this mean you've officially re-entered the blogging world? :) What a cute post! Maybe you should have Luke go on exchanges with the missionaries to teach them to be a little more bold...

  3. Cutie! Post some pics of the baby too! Can you come see my show? It's at the Holly Theater in Dahlonega every weekend in July. It's been lots of fun.

  4. Kami! You're an official blogger! Love it, and so glad I can keep tabs on you this way! great story, btw.

  5. SOOOOOOO glad to get an invite. I have long awaited a Kami Blog! Yeah! I will check it reguarly. I will reinvite you to mine just in case you aren't on it. Finally away to stay in touch!

    yOUR boys are darling! I just love what 3 yr olds say and I want to eat Miles right up. He is so cute.
